作者:admin 发布:2011-11-03 13:54 分类:未分类 阅读:13,724 views 评论关闭
Today I think about the domain which I am interested in investing on every day. I ask myself what the domain is. Thinking, feeling and deciding make me draw the following figure:
DOMAIN is D.O.M.A.I.N which means that directly open mind and invest network.
As well known the right target of we invest on domains is earning high profits by a change between market demands and resource supply. To get a highly profitable domain firstly we need to open our minds based in all valuable field of the global market. The next is investing on the domains by the right mind.
I would say the word DOMAIN looks like a Bible. If someone is able to understand its signification, the investment will bring the man a huge return.
来源:David’s 领地